Medical Bookshop & Anatomical Models
Sharps and Needlestick Injury Poster
Regular price $39.00 Save $-39.00NEW EDITION - Reviewed and Updated
Information derived from the Guidelines for Infection Control, 4th Edition, Australia Dental Association, 2021.
What to do when an exposure incident occurs. Emergency steps for health professionals.
Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry, Second Edition
Regular price $880.00 Sale price $770.00 Save $110.00ISBN 9780867155723 • 2 Volumes • 888 pages • 2,500 illustrations.
Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry takes the science of esthetic dental reconstruction to a new level both clinically and academically. What makes this book so unique is the underlying principle that Pascal Magne lives by: respect the natural structure, and use that nature as your guide in restoration.The book discusses the application of the biomimetic principle in the form of bonded restorations using composite resins and ceramics. The broad spectrum of indications of bonded restorations is described, followed by detailed instruction on the treatment planning and diagnostic approach, which is the first step for every case.
The treatment is described step by step, including tooth preparation and impression, laboratory and CAD/CAM procedures related to the fabrication of composite resin and ceramic workpieces, and their final insertion through adhesive luting procedures.
Volume 1 covers the fundamentals and basic procedures, and Volume 2 focuses on advanced clinical techniques, maintenance, and repair of bonded restorations. QR codes throughout link to demonstrations of the techniques and videos highlighting the artistry of biomimetics.
Written by a true master and true artist, this book will undoubtedly inspire excellence in anyone who picks it up.
Clear Human Jaw With Teeth
Regular price $245.00 Save $-245.00Full-sized, hinged, clear-cast jaw to allow viewing of roots. Healthy side shows normal dentition and occlusion. Affected side shows multiple pathologies, including: super eruption, apical alveolar abscess with caries, periodontal disease, lateral abscess, abfraction, irregular root curvature, impacted canine, erosion, fractured tooth, horizontal impact, radicular pulpitis, root canal with crown, internal resorption, attrition, external resorption of root, implants, and fractured root.
Giant Tooth Brushing Model
Regular price $79.00 Save $-79.00Giant Tooth Brushing Model
Economical model; bendable wire spring allows easy movement; includes giant size, soft nylon bristle toothbrush.
Uterus and Ovaries Model with Pathologies
Regular price $230.00 Save $-230.00In stock, same day shipping available!
This uterus and ovaries anatomic model shows the normal anatomy of the uterus and ovaries as well as the following pathologies: endometriosis, adhesions, various carcinomas, polyps, cysts, pendunculated fibroid tumor, salpingitis and fibroids.
Patient education card included. Removable from stand. Size: 22 x 16 x 6.5cm.
Zero Bone Loss Concepts
Regular price $436.00 Save $-436.00Impacted Third Molars
Regular price $277.00 Save $-277.00ISBN: 9781119930303 • 2nd edition • 336 pages
Gain confidence in performing third-molar extractions. Impacted Third Molars provides dentists with all the information they need to confidently and expertly remove impacted third molars, from case selection and imaging to sedation and patient management. Step-by-step surgical procedures support dentists in successful surgery. This second edition has been updated throughout with new information and advances. Seven new chapters cover local anesthesia, imaging, patient management, platelet-rich fibrin, case studies, and mobile third-molar practices.
Photographs and illustrations depict the concepts and procedures, and a companion website provides video instruction.
Dr Wayland’s Impacted Third Molars:
• provides all the information that dentists need to consider mobile third-molar practice, which provides more freedom, less stress, less overhead, and more profitability
• helps dentists to limit referrals
• features the author’s seven-step procedure for removing impacted third molars
• includes a chapter describing the author’s mobile third-molar practice, with a procedure manual
• offers procedural videos on a companion website.
Diseased teeth and gum model
Regular price $129.00 Save $-129.00An oversized model of premolars featuring many common dental problems.
The teeth pathologies model features the following dental diseases and conditions:
• Abscess
• Advanced periodontitis
• Cavity
• Crown decay filling
• Gingivitis
• Plaque
• Severe bone loss.
The Diseased Teeth and Gums Model comes with a patient education card included. Model Size: 13.97 cm x 5.08 cm x 8.89 cm
Card Size: 16.51 cm x 13.34 cm
Base Size: 16.51 cm x 12.7 cm
Giant Atlas / Axis Model
Regular price $101.00 Save $-101.00Statistics for Dental Clinicians
Regular price $121.00 Save $-121.00Modern Implant Dentistry - 1st edition
Regular price $422.00 Save $-422.00Life-size Ear Model
Regular price $165.00 Save $-165.00Basic Sinus Model
Regular price $180.00 Save $-180.00CLINICAL DENTISTRY DAILY REFERENCE GUIDE - The first and only practical reference guide to clinical dentistry
Regular price $250.00 Save $-250.00Plastic-Esthetic Periodontal and Implant Surgery: A Microsurgical Approach
Regular price $582.00 Save $-582.00By Drs Otto Zuhr and Marc Hürzeler
ISBN: 9781850972266 • 872 pages • 1,898 color illustrations
In this stunning book, the authors blend scientific knowledge and practical experience to provide a comprehensive overview of the principles, indications, and clinical techniques of plastic-esthetic periodontal and implant microsurgery, focusing especially on minimal soft tissue trauma and maximally perfect wound closure. Microsurgery provides clinically relevant advantages over conventional macrosurgical concepts for regenerative and plastic-esthetic periodontal surgery, especially in the all-important esthetic zone. The microsurgical principles and procedures presented in the book are explained step-by-step in meticulously illustrated case examples with large, exquisite images. Each case example also includes an illustrated armamentarium of the materials and instruments necessary for the practical implementation of the microsurgical procedure. The book concludes with instructions on how to manage all major complications for each procedure. Every periodontist will benefit from the techniques and considerations explained in this landmark text.
Human Female Pelvis Skeleton Model with Ligaments, Vessels, Nerves, Pelvic Floor Muscles & Organs, 6 part
Regular price $905.00 Save $-905.00Skin Cancer Model
Regular price $141.00 Save $-141.00Thyroid Disease Model
Regular price $192.00 Save $-192.00Female Pelvis with Femur Heads Model
Regular price $195.00 Save $-195.00Classic Human Skull
Regular price $159.00 Save $-159.00Dental disease, magnified 2 times, 21 parts
Regular price $550.00 Save $-550.00The dental disease model is based on a lifelike illustration of a lower jaw with 16 removable teeth of an adult magnified two times. One half of the dental disease model shows eight healthy teeth and healthy gums. The other half of the model shows the following dental diseases:
One part of the front bone section can be removed from the dental disease model to view the roots, vessels and nerves. Two molars are sectioned along the length to show the inside of the tooth.
Flossing and Brushing Model
Regular price $195.00 Save $-195.003-times enlarged; demonstrates proper brushing and flossing techniques; plastic 30cm toothbrush with soft bristles.
Periodontics: The Complete Summary
Regular price $319.00 Save $-319.00By Dr: Fernando Suarez
ISBN: 9780867159608 • 368 pages • softcover • 270 illustrations
This expansive textbook covers a broad range of topics to prepare aspiring periodontists for exams as well as serving as a guide or reference for more senior practitioners. Concepts are explained in language simple enough for students but technical enough to communicate the important points and subtleties of the topic. Over 100 vocabulary words are clearly defined and explained in context to facilitate understanding of the material, and the text is accompanied by a great variety of tables, diagrams, and illustrations to allow readers to visualize the area and provide additional context for the information. The textbook begins with a basic overview of periodontal anatomy, then leads the reader through the process of diagnosis, identifying different diseases and potential risks before obtaining a prognosis and creating a treatment plan. This is followed by over a dozen chapters on various treatment methods from SRP to complex surgery and then maintenance. The book concludes with additional concepts important for young dentists to know, including an overview of relevant medications as well as abnormalities and emergencies that may be encountered in daily practice. Nothing is left out in this handy study guide, and both current students and recent graduates will find it invaluable in beginning their careers.
Wright's Behavior Management in Dentistry
Regular price $220.00 Save $-220.00Interpretation Basics of Cone Beam Computed Tomography
Regular price $229.00 Save $-229.00Quintessence of Dental Technology 2020, Vol. 43
Regular price $374.00 Save $-374.00“Quintessence of Dental Technology 2020” presents original articles that introduce clinical and laboratory techniques for optimal aesthetic results with newer dental materials. Digital dentistry is featured throughout, with articles offering innovative ways to incorporate a combined digital/analog approach to build character and natural aesthetics in CAD/CAM restorations. QDT 2020 features novel procedures such as the 3D-printed interim immediate complete denture, self-glazing liquid ceramics, Inside
Out technique, and 3D Magic MakeUp, among others. Beautifully produced, QDT 2020 is the annual resource for the laboratory technician and restorative clinician.
9781647240141 • 496 pages • hardcover
Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp Expert Consult
Regular price $258.00 Save $-258.00Clear aligner technique
Regular price $465.00 Save $-465.00Implant Restorations: A Step-by-Step Guide
Regular price $281.00 Save $-281.00Implant Restorations: A Step-by-Step Guide
by Dr Carl Drago
ISBN: 9781119538110 • Hardcover • 536 pages • Fourth edition
This important text presents the latest information on restoring dental implants and addresses recent advances in treatment planning and procedures. This fourth edition provides a wealth of updated and expanded coverage on detailed procedures. Focusing on the most common treatment scenarios, it offers concise literature reviews for each chapter and easy-to-follow descriptions of techniques, along with high-quality clinical photographs demonstrating each step. This comprehensive and practical guide begins with information on incorporating implant restorative dentistry in clinical practice. It covers diagnosis and treatment planning and digital dentistry, and addresses advances in cone beam computerised tomography (CBCT), treatment planning software, computer-generated surgical guides, rapid prototype printing and impression-less implant restorative treatments, intra-oral scanning, laser sintering, and printing/milling polymer materials. Record-keeping, patient compliance, hygiene regimes, and follow-up are also covered.
• A step-by-step guide to commonly encountered treatments, describing procedures and techniques in an easy-to-follow, highly illustrated format • New chapters on diagnosis, treatment planning and digital dentistry
• Covers advances in CBCT, computer generated surgical guides, intra-oral scanning, laser sintering, and more. This is an excellent and accessible guide on a burgeoning subject in modern dental practice by an experienced clinician. Implant Restorations: A Step-by-Step Guide is a valuable resource for prosthodontists, general dentists, implant surgeons, dental students, dental assistants, hygienists, and dental laboratory technicians.
Bone and Soft Tissue Augmentation in Implantology
Regular price $550.00 Save $-550.00Anterior Ceramic Restorations - Details That Make the Difference
Regular price $480.00 Save $-480.00By Dr Victor Clavijo and expert contributors
ISBN 9781786981356 • Hardcover • 464 pages • 2476 illustrations • 1st Edition
The objective of this unique book is to outline protocols for ceramic restorations. From esthetic planning to adhesive cementation, Dr Clavijo presents topics in sequences easy to follow. This is THE
go-to manual. Each topic is evidence based and answers the questions that matter most — the when, how, and why of each procedure. Clinical cases demonstrate the details that make the most difference to achieving optimal results. The cases expand the range of any practitioner's options in daily practice to achieve clinical excellence.
Chapter 1. Digital Photography in Dentistry
Chapter 2. Esthetic Planning and Digital Tools
Chapter 3. Diagnostic Wax-up and Mock-up Techniques
Chapter 4. Injectable Resin Technique for Provisional Restorations
Chapter 5. Intraradicular Restorations
Chapter 6. Tooth Preparations for Anterior Ceramic Restorations
Chapter 7. Techniques for Impressions and Provisional Restorations
Chapter 8. Ceramic Systems
Chapter 9. Adhesive Cementation
Chapter 10. Ceramic Fragment Restorations
Chapter 11. Modification of Peri-Implant Contours
Chapter 12. Introduction to Digital Dentistry
Prefabricated Posts - From Conventional to Digital
Regular price $333.00 Save $-333.00By Drs Albuquerque, Silva and Morgan
ISBN:9781786981448 • Hardcover • 280 pages • 1023 illustrations
Restoring endodontically treated teeth is a complex procedure. A sound knowledge of biomechanical and clinical principles, careful planning, and the selection of appropriate materials and restorative techniques are essential to achieve the best functional and aesthetic outcomes. This concise and exquisitely illustrated book, based on the philosophy and clinical experience of its authors and on sound scientific evidence, is divided into 10 chapters in a didactic sequence to make it easier for dentists to apply the techniques in everyday practice. The focus is on preserving the heathy tooth structure as much as possible using both conventional and digital methodologies.
Fusion Art and Nature in Ceramic Restorations
Regular price $388.00 Save $-388.00By Dr Jean-François Lasserre
ISBN: 9781786981370 • 792 pages • 2266 illustrations • 1st Edition Two-volume book • Hardcover • 792 pages • 2266 illustrations
Many books have been written about ceramic dental restorations, but there is still room for natural vision and for the fusion of art and science. The key to all creativity in restorative dentistry is the natural view, both in the characterization and reconstruction of the surface and the functional anatomy of the teeth.
Dr Jean-François Lasserre, together with an international team of experienced practitioners, has combined his artistic sense and keen observation of nature to create an essential reference of current restorative dentistry, including mimetic, minimal adhesive dentistry, optimal use of new ceramics, and functional integration.
Dr Jean-François Lasserre has authored numerous articles in national and international journals and has frequently presented lectures in France and abroad, dedicated to aesthetic ceramic restorations. Dr Jean-François Lasserre practices at the University Dental Hospital Center but also owns a private clinic in Bordeaux specializing in dental aesthetics, implantology, and prosthetics.
Anatomy and Surgery of the Mandible
Regular price $460.00 Save $-460.001st Edition 2023
ISBN 9780867159448 • Hardcover • 184 pages • 772 illustrations
By Drs Roberto Pistilli / Pietro Felice
For every surgeon, knowledge of the anatomy is a crowning achievement that goes hand in hand with the expertise to manage surgical difficulties. Most surgeons will tell you that such knowledge can only be obtained through anatomical dissection. However, the next best thing is this book. The authors have crafted an exceptional guide to surgical anatomy of the oral cavity that includes examples of everyday clinical scenarios as well as surgical complications that can arise. The focus of this volume is on the mandibular fossae, the lower lip, the mental foramen, the symphysis and body of the mandible, the retromolar region, and the ascending ramus. Each area is explained using detailed cadaver dissections and clinical and radiographic images. This book also includes more than 60 videos throughout to demonstrate anatomical dissections and surgical procedures.
Chapter 1. Perioral Anatomical Spaces
Chapter 2. Lower Lip
Chapter 3. Mandibular Symphysis: Mental Foramina and Interforaminal Region
Chapter 4. Posterior Vestibular Fornix of the Mandible
Chapter 5. Vestibular and lingual Surfaces of the Mandibular Body
Chapter 6. Mandibular Body and Mandibular Nerve Region
Chapter 7. Retromolar Trigone and Lingual Nerve
Chapter 8. Medial Surface of the Mandibular Ramus
Chapter 9. Floor of the Mouth and Tongue
Dental Instruments: A Pocket Guide, 8th Edition
Regular price $95.00 Save $-95.00By Linda Bartolomucci Boyd, RDA, BA
ISBN: 9780323873901
Learn to identify and use more than 300 dental instruments!
Dental Instruments: A Pocket Guide, 8th Edition makes it quick and easy for dental assistants and dental hygienists to master the instruments, equipment, and tray setups used in everyday practice. The book includes over 750 photographs and drawings of basic and specialty dental instruments, paired with monographs describing each instrument’s characteristics, functions, order of use, and sterilisation guidelines. With a spiral-bound, flashcard-style, flip-chart format, the book also makes it easy to review key information and to assess your knowledge. Dental Instruments is the perfect guide both for study and for chair-side reference.
New to this edition
Key Features
Functional Human Knee Joint Model with Ligaments
Regular price $222.00 Save $-222.00This high quality, life-size functional knee joint model clearly shows the anatomy and mechanics of the knee joint. This fully flexible knee joint model demonstrates abduction, anteversion, retroversion and internal/external rotation.
Model consists of portion of femur, tibia and portion of fibula; also includes meniscus, patella with quadriceps tendon and joint ligaments, including the ACL and PCL.
Delivered on removable stand for easy study or display.
Enjoy using the exclusive virtual anatomy content with the following features:
Scully’s Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine: The Basis of Diagnosis and Treatment, 4th Edition
Regular price $95.00 Save $-95.00The Wills Eye Manual : Office and Emergency Room Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Disease
Regular price $138.00 Save $-138.00Office and Emergency Room Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Disease
ISBN: 9781975160753 • Publication Date: June 4, 2021
A best-selling source of compact, authoritative guidance on the treatment of ocular disorders in a variety of settings, The Wills Eye Manual, 8th Edition, is the comprehensive, high-yield reference of choice for both trainees and seasoned practitioners. It provides highly illustrated information on more than 200 ophthalmic conditions along with proven clinical recommendations from initial diagnosis through extended treatment. The consistent, bulleted outline format makes it ideal for portability and quick reference.
• Provides current, superbly illustrated information on more than 200 ophthalmic conditions in a handy, portable manual, along with extensive multimedia content.
• Features easily accessible clinical recommendations for evaluation, diagnosis, management, and treatment.
• Contains updates on the latest major clinical trials in ophthalmology, as well as two expertly produced new videos and many new clinical images added.
• Addresses changing trends in oculoplastics, glaucoma, cornea, pediatrics, neuro-ophthalmology, uveitis, retina, and more.
• Includes videos depicting a wide range of common procedures with step-by-step narration, carefully selected to complement key techniques.
• All chapters written and edited by the residents and attending ophthalmologists at one of the busiest and largest eye hospitals in the country.
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
• Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
• Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Skin Cancer Disk Set
Regular price $178.00 Save $-178.00Composite Pelvis and Pelvic Floor Model
Regular price $995.00 Save $-995.00Human Skeleton Model Stan on Hanging Stand - 3B Smart Anatomy
Regular price $890.00 Save $-890.00Proven Quality - even more stable!
Stan, the standard model of a human skeleton, has been appreciated throughout the world for decades. Thanks to its very high quality and robust construction, it is perfect for use in hospitals, schools, universities and laboratories. So choose Stan, the original among artificial skeletons. Now available on a stable metal hanging stand with 5 casters!
The other advantages of the 3B Scientific® skeleton are:
• On hanging stand
• Exceptional value for money
• 3 year guarantee
• Top quality natural casting
• Final assembly carried out by hand
• Made from a durable, unbreakable synthetic material
• On a stable metal hanging stand with 5 casters (painted white)
• Close to the realistic weight of around 200 bones
• Natural skeleton size
• 3 part assembled skull
• Individually inserted teeth
• Limbs can be removed quickly and easily
Comes with metal hanging stand and transparent dust cover. Stand is 6' 3" (192cm).
Please note: as this is a very large anatomical model, the shipping price will vary depending on your location. Please feel free to contact us prior to placing your order as the default shipping price of $40 may be incorrect.
3 part Skin Model
Regular price $463.00 Save $-463.00Lower Twin-Root Molar showing cavities, 2 part
Regular price $273.00 Save $-273.00This 2 part Lower Twin-Root Molar has a longitudinal section. The Lower Twin-Root Molar displays cavities. The tooth is a accurate representation of adult dentition.
Orthodontic and Surgical Management of Impacted Teeth
Regular price $301.00 Save $-301.00By Drs Vincent G. Kokich and David P. Mathews
ISBN: 9780867154450 • 188 pages • softcover • 590 illustrations
Impacted teeth are a commonplace encounter in dental practice, yet currently there is not a comprehensive book detailing the surgical treatments and orthodontic therapy to erupt or manage these teeth. Written by arguably the best orthodontist in the world and his periodontist colleague of almost 40 years, this text covers the various types of impactions an orthodontist and surgeon will encounter, including maxillary central incisors, maxillary canines (both labially and palatally impacted), mandibular canines, premolars, and mandibular molars. Each chapter focuses on a specific impacted tooth and how it can be surgically uncovered and orthodontically moved. The book also presents a chapter on failed cases, explaining what went wrong and how to prevent such negative outcomes when treating similar cases. Ideal for any dental practitioner who treats impacted teeth, this comprehensive and up-to-date book is a fitting legacy for Dr Kokich, whose impact within the field of orthodontics will be felt for years to come.
Restoring with Flowables
Regular price $363.00 Save $-363.00By Dr Douglas A.Terry
ISBN: 9780867156683 • 292 pages • 914 illustrations
This book showcases the many applications of next-generation flowable composites and presents each of them in step-by-step fashion including 5 videos. With the adhesive design concept and the injectable resin composite technique, these flowable composites can expand dental treatment options, improve precision and predictability, and reduce chair time. Clinical applications include anterior and posterior composite restorations; pediatric crowns; bonding indirect restorations; developing the ovate pontic site; eliminating cervical tooth sensitivity; enhancing internal adaptation; immediate dentin sealing; provisional fabrication, modification, and repair; rebonding the fractured ceramic restoration; repairing fractured denture teeth; tooth splinting; developing a post and core; developing the functional composite prototype; mandibular anterior composite veneers; and restoring form and function, among others. The early chapters describe the evolution of flowable resin composites and the science underpinning the adhesive design concept, and the later chapters are divided into case presentations of the many applications of this concept. Each case presentation includes the various adhesive preparation designs, restorative techniques, adhesive protocols, and finishing procedures involved. By using the right materials and protocols with this adhesive design concept, you will be able to develop natural-looking restorations while providing superior treatment to your patients.
Full-Arch Implant Rehabilitation
Regular price $276.00 Save $-276.00By Dr Arun Garg
ISBN: 9780867158090 • 120 pages • softcover • 440 illustrations
The full-arch implant rehabilitation (FAIR) protocol is one of the newest implant therapy innovations to treat the edentulous or nearly edentulous patient. The FAIR prosthesis is immediate, fixed, esthetically pleasing, highly functional, inexpensive, and maintainable, and it can frequently be installed without bone grafting. This book describes how the FAIR protocol works, who it should be used for, and methods to implement it successfully for different patients. The system can be used in both arches and in patients with total or near-total edentulism. Several chapters are devoted to describing step-by-step treatment with detailed clinical photographs documenting every step from initial assessment to prosthesis delivery. Even those new to fixed denture systems will find the procedures easy to follow and can begin implementing the FAIR approach for their patients.
New Straight Wire: Strategies and Mechanics for a Programmed Approach to Orthodontic Treatment
Regular price $289.00 Save $-289.00By Dr Francesco Pedetta
ISBN: 9780867158243 • 160 pages • softcover • 441 illustrations
This textbook seeks to simplify orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, and therapy by introducing the New Straight Wire (NSW) method. Using simplified cephalometry and treatment mechanics, this technique uses a table to systematically calculate and plan the necessary tooth movements before treatment, following the same parameters for each and every patient regardless of malocclusion. With the NSW technique, the treatment plan starts small and then moves to a larger scale, first carefully assessing the dental arches and then moving outward and analyzing their position on the patient’s face. The treatment is therefore “verified” before beginning; the teeth can be placed in the planned positions to check that the resulting occlusion satisfies esthetic and functional goals for each individual patient. This approach rules out treatment plans that lead to good occlusion to the detriment of facial harmony. This book therefore teaches how to achieve Class I molar occlusion with proper overjet and facial esthetics every time, regardless of the pretreatment condition. It clarifies when surgery is indicated and when dental compensations and compromises may be made instead. While orthodontics has historically been a specialty based on action and reaction, this book seeks to shift orthodontics to a practice based on systematic movements planned from the start.
Laminate Veneers: 20 Recipes for Smile Design
Regular price $524.00 Save $-524.00By Dr: Stefen Koubi
ISBN: 9782366150551 • 708 pages • 1,200+ illustrations
Porcelain laminate veneers (PLVs) have been the most successful minimally invasive indirect prosthodontic application of esthetic dentistry in the last few decades. When designed and delivered properly, PLVs are the most sparkling, natural-looking manmade (and now digitally designed) form of esthetic dentistry. This book was written to help the esthetic dentist in treating unesthetic alignment, color, shape, or form of the teeth—in other words, enhancing the smile while enforcing function and occlusion. The main idea is to propose a common thread around guided, predictable dentistry and the use of veneers as a versatile restoration tool. The atypical format and original style of this book encourage the reader to “think like an architect” but “act like a dentist” to achieve ideal results. Rather than bog the reader down in text, this book uses hundreds of pristine photographs, many full-page, to guide the reader through each carefully chosen “recipe,” focusing on both cosmetic dentistry and reconstruction of worn dentitions. The accompanying narrative complements the illustrations in a concise manner that provides a clear framework for the practitioner during reconstruction of the smile. In addition, this book has the benefit of augmented reality, as videos downloaded via the book app are revealed as the reader browses the pages.
Composite Veneers: The Direct-Indirect Technique
Regular price $465.00 Save $-465.00By Drs: Newton Fahl and André V. Jr Ritter
ISBN: 9780867159592 • 296 pages • 1,077 illustrations
The direct-indirect technique for composite resin veneer fabrication brings together many of the distinct advantages of the direct and indirect techniques. A direct-indirect restoration is one in which the composite resin is sculpted directly on the tooth structure without previous adhesive preparation, light activated, removed from the tooth, heat tempered, finished and polished extraorally, and finally adhered indirectly in the mouth in a single appointment. The resulting restoration exhibits improved mechanical properties, excellent esthetics, and unrivaled marginal adaptation and polishing. One of the most significant advantages of this technique is the possibility to modulate the final color of the restoration with luting agents, allowing for minor modifications in the restoration hue, chroma, and value. Furthermore, the direct-indirect technique has a wide range of applications, including prepless contact lenses and veneers, veneers with preparation (discolored teeth), fragments, diastema closure, and noncarious cervical lesions, among others. This book systematically covers these many applications and provides step-by-step protocols with specific layering strategies for each. Fifteen detailed case studies are included to showcase the technique in various clinical scenarios, highlighting the materials used and the type of composite veneer selected in each situation. Written by world-renowned masters in their field, this book will surely help to elevate your esthetic outcomes.
Periodontal Review Q&A, Second Edition
Regular price $260.00 Save $-260.00Author(s)/Editor(s): Termeie, Deborah A.
ISBN: 9780867158298 • 440 pages • softcover • 224 illustrations
This best-selling review guide consolidates the plethora of study materials and scattered information available into a single comprehensive source designed to prepare students for periodontal examinations as well as clinical practice. The material is presented in a clear question and answer format, with references to both classic and more recent literature on topics such as diagnosis, nonsurgical therapy, surgical therapy, regeneration, and implants, and answers are supplemented with relevant tables, illustrations, and pictures throughout. This revised second edition includes new figures, tables, and treatment planning cases, as well as a comprehensive review of the new classifications of periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions, providing the most up to date information for those seeking board certification.
Slow and Grow
Regular price $607.00 Save $-607.00By Dr: Primitivo Roig
ISBN: 9788489873841 • 768 pages • 378 illustrations
Today there is much talk of being disruptive in life and business, of interrupting the status quo or of reinventing the rules. This two-volume book describes a different way of approaching dentistry, using the author’s signature SLOW method to effectively GROW your practice and your enjoyment of the profession. The focus is on maintaining an effective personal relationship with patients in a world of marketing and digital communication where it may be necessary to compete for the patient’s attention. Slow dentistry offers us a vision of doing more with less, prioritizing quality, and enjoying the emotional bond with the patient as well as the team. This book discusses methods to compete successfully in a worldwide market using personal human connections to find greater fulfillment in dentistry in general.
Tooth-Preserving Surgery
Regular price $257.00 Save $-257.00By Drs: Andreas Filippi and Sebastian Kühl
ISBN: 9780867159585 • 136 pages • 428 illustrations
Despite all of the advances that have been made in implantology, many patients still want or need to keep their natural teeth for as long as possible. Tooth-preserving surgery has been performed for hundreds of years, but the last 10 to 15 years have shown a resurgence and a great increase in knowledge regarding these techniques. The aim of this book is to present modern methods of tooth-preserving surgery so clinicians can expand the range of treatments offered in daily practice or to bring them up to date. This volume is not intended as a textbook, but rather as an illustrated atlas and reference work. Each surgical technique is systematically described with indications and contraindications, step-by-step surgical procedure featuring case examples, as well as prognosis and potential complications. Armed with knowledge of methods old and new, clinicians can evaluate whether their patients’ teeth—even potentially hopeless teeth—might still be preserved.
Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement
Regular price $416.00 Save $-416.00Why Patients Sue Doctors, 2nd Edition - Lessons learned from medical malpractice cases
Regular price $37.00 Save $-37.00In the second edition the authors draw on their wide-ranging, collective experience in over 1000 real-life medicolegal cases. By analysing and discussing the situations and behaviours that lead to complaints by patients and their families, this book provides clear and practical direction for practitioners to improve clinical care and avoid litigation.
Written in a concise and engaging narrative writing style by editors Duncan Graham, Bernard Kelly and David Richards, readers will obtain a broad understanding of the origins, workings and outcomes of medicolegal cases and will be equipped with practical strategies to improve clinical care and avoid common pitfalls in practice. The text also introduces important legal concepts in an approachable manner appropriate for those working in medicine.
About the authors
Duncan Graham is a barrister with a medical degree. He previously worked as a medical practitioner and solicitor. He now specialises in cases of medical negligence, coronial inquests, professional misconduct, and class actions involving pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
Bernard Kelly is a general practitioner who works in metropolitan, rural and remote locations. He has extensive experience in teaching and medical regulation. He provides expert witness opinions in medical negligence and professional misconduct cases.
David Richards is a physician, with broad experience in clinical and interventional cardiology, education and research. He provides expert witness opinions for plaintiffs, defendants and government agencies.
Practical Advanced Periodontal Surgery
Regular price $180.00 Save $-180.00Temporary Anchorage Devices in Clinical Orthodontics
Regular price $378.00 Save $-378.00Temporary Anchorage Devices in Clinical Orthodontics
by Dr Jae Hyun Park ISBN: 9781119513476 • Hardcover • 808 pages• 1st Edition
Written by some of the world's leading experts in orthodontics, Temporary Anchorage Devices in Clinical Orthodontics is a comprehensive, up-to-date reference that covers all aspects of temporary anchorage device (TAD) use in contemporary orthodontics. Taking a real-world approach, this book covers topics ranging from diagnosis and treatment planning, to the many applications and management of complications. Case studies demonstrate the concepts, and high-quality clinical photographs support the text throughout. • Provides evidence-based information on the use of TADs, with a focus on improving outcomes for patients • Considers topics ranging from diagnosis and treatment planning, to specific clinical applications and appliances • Takes a real-world clinical approach, with case studies demonstrating concepts • Written by international experts in the field • Presents hundreds of high-quality clinical photographs to support the text
Handbook of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Sedation
Regular price $106.00 Save $-106.00
The only product of its kind focused specifically on nitrous oxide and oxygen sedation (N2O/O2), Handbook of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Sedation, 5th Edition, is ideal in educational and clinical settings. This portable text features a user-friendly outline format that is easy to digest, along with summary tables and boxes, clear illustrations, step-by-step techniques with photos, review questions and critical thinking exercises ― right when and where you need it. This chairside reference includes new content on industry best practices along with efficacy in comparison to other methods of sedation. Now with new and updated artwork, this unique text continues to be the resource for students, instructors and practitioners alike.
Essentials of Dental Photography
Regular price $140.00 Save $-140.00Essentials of Dental Photography
by Drs Irfan Ahmad and Fahad Al-Harbi
ISBN: 9781119312086 • Paperback • 360 pages
AN ACCESSIBLE, ONE-STOP GUIDE TO GETTING THE MOST OUT OF DENTAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN CLINICAL PRACTICE Dental photography is an increasingly important part of dental care in general practices, hospitals and specialist clinics. The uses of dental photographs are numerous, such as monitoring treatment outcomes, educating patients, promoting services, and providing evidence for litigation or regulatory purposes. ‘Essentials of Dental Photography’ is a user-friendly guide to incorporating dental photographs into daily practice. Containing real-world advice and proven techniques, this book helps clinicians understand and apply the fundamental principles of dental photography. Accessible chapters cover every major aspect of dental photography and answer the most common questions asked by clinicians. Step-by-step instructions show readers how to select the correct photographic and dental equipment, set up equipment for a variety of dental procedures, process images using photo-editing software, and more. The basic concepts of dental photography are explained, and also how to create high-quality, predictable and repeatable images. Providing an easy-to-follow roadmap to exceptional dental photographs, this practical guide:
• Covers all the basic concepts, equipment, and techniques of dental photography • Illustrates the photographic setups for both intra- and extra-oral images
• Provides recommendations for appropriate types of cameras, lenses, flashes, reflectors, tripods and software • Discusses photographic archiving, electronic dissemination, printing, publishing and presenting images. ‘Essentials of Dental Photography’ is a valuable guide for dental practitioners and new graduates looking to learn dental photography and apply it in practice.
Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration - Immediately Loaded Implants in Compromised Sockets
Regular price $390.00 Save $-390.00By Dr José Carlos Martins da Rosa
ISBN:9781647241711 • Hardcover • 272 pages • 1550 illustrations • 2nd Edition
Single-tooth replacement in the aesthetic zone is one of the most common indications for dental implant placement. Immediate dentoalveolar restoration (IDR) is a technique established to broaden indications for immediate loading on individual teeth with compromised hard or soft tissue architecture.
With this protocol, lost tissue is reconstructed in the same surgical session as implant placement and provisional crown delivery, reducing the number of interventions and promoting better aesthetics with greater predictability.
This essential texts provides a step-by-step explanation of the protocols for IDR, featuring:
• minimally invasive and flapless procedures
• use of the maxillary tuberosity for graft harvesting
• immediate loading, and
• correct crown contouring for an adequate emergence profile.
A number of clinical cases of different complexity are demonstrated to highlight the versatility of this technique and the excellent possible outcomes.
Unfolding Peri-Implantitis - Diagnosis | Prevention | Management
Regular price $508.00 Save $-508.00By Alberto Monje and Hom-Lay Wang
ISBN:9788489873896 • Hardcover • 836 Pages • 1800 Illustrations
When osseointegration was first introduced by Brånemark as a therapy for the replacement of the natural dentition, it was accepted as an appropriate and predictable solution for young and middle-aged edentulous patients. No one anticipated the positive results and high level of acceptability that this therapy would bring about. The decision regarding whether to save a tooth or insert an implant is one that the implant clinician makes based on previous experience, recently approved therapeutics, and the best interests of the patient. This high-quality and timely publication will serve to enhance the armamentarium of implant clinicians in this regard. The editors have engaged leading thinkers in surgery and prosthetics to share their methods, ranging from prevention to regeneration. The text provides contemporary information for achieving constructive endpoint goals and for managing solutions to peri-implantitis and should have a place in every dental library.
Essentials of Orthognathic Surgery
Regular price $290.00 Save $-290.00ISBN: 9780867159561 • Hardcover • 320 pages • 1165 illustrations • Edition: 3rd
By Johan Reyneke
This long-awaited third edition of the author’s seminal text on orthognathic surgery includes not only a fresh new look and over a dozen new cases, but essential updates for anyone practicing orthognathic surgery. Though many of the surgical practices and techniques have not drastically changed since the previous edition, recent research has inspried new sections on airway management and orthoganthic surgery of the temporomandibular joint. The previous chapter on treatment of dentofacial deformities has now been split into two streamlined chapters on typical and complex dentofacial deformities to accommodate new cases and information, allowing a more user-friendly experience for the reader. Those familiar with the second edition will remember the illustrated step-by-step processes for patient evaluation, diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical technique, and these vital resources have made into the new text as well. From the most basic bilateral sagittal split osteotomy to complex surgery involving three-dimensional analysis, movement, and rotation of both jaws, this book will help everyone from surgical residents to experienced clinicians in managing both children and adults with dentofacial deformities, improving both function and esthetics.
Chapter 1. Principles of Orthognathic Surgery
Chapter 2. Systematic Patient Evaluation
Chapter 3. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Chapter 4. Diagnosis and Treatment of Typical Dentofacial Deformities
Chapter 5. Diagnosis and Treatment of Complex Dentofacial Deformities
Chapter 6. Surgical Technique
Building Better Bone - A Comprehensive Guide to GBR techniques
Regular price $345.00 Save $-345.00Roberto Rossi
ISBN: 9788874920969 • 1st Edition • Hardcover • 408 pages • 1360 illustrations
The idea for this book was conceived at a critical time for humanity, during the lockdown following the Covid 19 pandemic. An international group of fellow clinicians set out to create a book to analyze all aspects of a common problem in implant dentistry: the loss of one or more teeth, and the subsequent physiologic resorption of both hard and soft tissue. Defects resulting from tooth loss can be treated in several different ways, with similar but different surgical techniques, materials, and methods. GBR is an approach that has been around for over 30 years, during which time we have learnt its pros and cons. Understanding how to select the optimal GBR technique ensures reduced risks for patients and clinicians alike. This book is intended to be a “recipe manual” for how to help build better bone, and includes varied protocols representing the state of the art in modern dentistry, without commercial bias. The book is also enriched by 14 videos that provide detailed explanations of the techniques adopted, and each chapter illustrates expert recommendations for optimizing the techniques presented.
Chapter 01. Guidelines and Scientific Background of GBR
Chapter 02. Wound healing: from basic mechanisms to soft tissue healing in oral surgery
Chapter 03. Classification and Guidelines for Treatment of Bony and Soft Tissue Defects
Chapter 04. Fresh extraction socket management: thinking in and out of the box
Chapter 05. Osseodensification for ridge expansion: clinical protocols and case reports
Chapter 06. Resorbable and nonresorbable membranes
Chapter 07. Rationale for the use of autogenous grafts, alloplasts, and xenografts
Chapter 08. Autogenous Bone Grafting in the Posterior Edentulous Mandible with the Khoury Technique: Indications, Contraindications, and Limitations
Chapter 09. Innovative Autogenous Bone Grafting Techniques
Chapter 10. Use of heterologous lamina in the esthetic zone: site specific treatment options depending on site morphology
Chapter 11. Occlusive titanium barriers for GBR
Chapter 12. Cortical lamina xenogeneic bone membrane: indications, contraindications, and limitations
Chapter 13. Cortical lamina in horizontal and anterior defects: the multilayer technique
Chapter 14. Fibrinogen-Induced Regeneration Sealing Technique (F.I.R.S.T.)
Chapter 15. Use of cortical laminas for bone layering and bone-into-bone techniques
Chapter 16. Osteodistraction for ridge augmentation: principles, indications, and contraindications
Chapter 17. GBR for maxillofacial and congenital defects
Chapter 18. Digital vertical and horizontal bone block grafting
Chapter 19. Immune modulation with calcium phosphate alloplast. up-regulated, membrane free host bone regeneration
Chapter 20. Using digital dentistry to build soft and hard tissues for function and esthetics
Chapter 21. Evolution of xenogeneic bone membranes: flex cortical sheet
Chapter 22. Digitally assisted soft tissue and bone sculpting for PK1 (pink-free) full arch prosthesis
Chapter 23. Magnesium: the next generation of biomaterials in regenerative dentistry
Chapter 24. Oxidative stress and osteoimmunology: the two missing pieces of the oral osseointegration puzzle
Authors include:
Antonio Barone • Joseph Choukroun • Salvatore D’Amato • Peter J.M. Fairbairn • Edoardo Foce • Filippo Fontana • Vincenzo Foti • Howard Gluckman • Andrea Grassi • Arndt Happe • Salah Huwais • Giovanna Iezzi • Eugenio Longo • Michele Antonio Lopez • Hassan Maghaireh • Fabio Perret • Adriano Piattelli • Andrea Pilloni • Alessandro Pozzi • Lorena Rispoli • Roberto Rossi • Paul Leonhard Schuh • Giorgio Tabanella • Hannes Wachtel
Horizontal and Vertical Bone Augmentation for Dental Implant Therapy
Regular price $385.00 Save $-385.00Craig Martin Misch (Editor)
ISBN: 9781647241254 • 1st Edition • Hardcover
While the landscape of implant dentistry is always evolving, one constant is the need for sufficient bone volume at the site of implant placement. The management of bone deficiencies is a clinical challenge with an array of possible solutions, and bone augmentation is not one size fits all. This book simplifies things by presenting the assessment criteria and biologic principles required to make clinical decisions as well as the techniques and materials needed to successfully perform horizontal and vertical bone augmentation. The first several chapters provide the reader with fundamental knowledge of the science of bone augmentation and details the diagnosis and planning phases for bone augmentation surgery. The centerpiece of the text is the Michigan Classification for horizontal and vertical bone augmentation, developed by Drs Hom-Lay Wang and Craig Misch, which offers clinicians an evidence-based decision tree for managing different clinical situations based on the type of defect. Finally, the remaining chapters describe the various techniques for horizontal and vertical bone augmentation, including novel technologies like virtual patient planning for prosthetic guided bone augmentation, customized scaffolds for bone regeneration, and recombinant growth factors to improve regenerative capacity. Written by the most knowledgeable clinicians and researchers in their fields, this book prepares the reader to achieve predictability and success in implant dentistry, no matter the presenting situation.
Chapter 01. Bone Volume for Dental Implant Placement
Chapter 02. The Science of Bone: Form and Function
Chapter 03. Biologic Principles of Bone Augmentation
Chapter 04. The Biology of Bone Grafting Materials
Chapter 05. Use of Platelet-Rich Fibrin for Bone Augmentation
Chapter 06. Recombinant Growth Factors and Novel Graft Constructs for Oral Bone Tissue Engineering
Chapter 07. The Michigan Classification and Decision Trees for Horizontal and Vertical Bone Augmentation
Chapter 08. Clinical Evaluation for Bone Augmentation
Chapter 09. Systemic and Local Considerations for Bone Augmentation
Chapter 10. Patient Preparation for Bone Augmentation
Chapter 11. Guided Bone Regeneration for Horizontal and Vertical Bone Augmentation
Chapter 12. Mesh Grafting
Chapter 13. Block Bone Grafting
Chapter 14. Ridge Expansion
Chapter 15. Interpositional Bone Grafting
Chapter 16. Distraction Osteogenesis
Chapter 17. Preparation of the Recipient Site for Bone Augmentation
Chapter 18. Soft Tissue Reconstruction for Bone Augmentation
Tara Aghaloo • Carlo Barausse • Chia-Yu Chen • Matteo Chiapasco • Benjamin R. Coyac • Alessandro Cucchi • Dan Cullum • Pietro Felice • Matthew Fien • William V. Giannobile • Howard Gluckman • Jill A. Helms • Ole Jensen • David Kim • Jessica Latimer • Bach Le • Mark Ludlow • Shogo Maekawa • Richard J. Miron • Maggie Misch-Haring • Alberto Monje • Rodrigo Neiva • Lorenzo Tavelli • Istvan A. Urban • Hom-Lay Wang
Advanced Zygomatic Implants - The ZAGA Concept
Regular price $284.00 Save $-284.00Carlos Aparicio
ISBN:9781647241698 • Edition 1 • Hardcover • 352 pages • 1142 Illustrations
The number of edentulous patients with severe maxillary atrophy is growing. Often, these patients desire a return to normalcy without the need for extensive bone grafting or sinus elevation procedures, and zygomatic implants may be just the solution they are looking for. Dr Carlos Aparicio developed the zygoma–anatomy guided approach (ZAGA) so that individuals with diverse needs and anatomies can each benefit from patient-specific treatment. Learn the ins-and-outs of planning and placing zygomatic implants and providing good follow-up care. This comprehensive text is your first step toward confidence in placing zygomatic implants.
• Origins of the ZAGA Concept
• Biomechanics of Tilted Implants
• Planning for Surgery
• ZAGA Classification and the Minimally Invasive Zygomatic Osteotomy
• Using the ZAGA Concept to Determine the Implant Trajectory
• Soft Tissue Management
• Leukocyte Platelet-Rich Fibrin
• The New Portfolio of Site-Specific Zygomatic Implants
• Prosthetic Rehabilitation
• Digital Workflow
• Alternatives to Quad Zygoma
• Evaluating Zygomatic Implant Success: The ORIS Critera
• A Global ZAGA Mentor Experience
Protocol: Standardization in Fixed Prosthodontics
Regular price $460.00 Save $-460.00Marko Jakovac
ISBN: 9781786981172 • Edition 1 • Hardcover • 720 Pages • 1200 Illustrations
Fixed prosthodontic therapy is one of the most demanding disciplines in dentistry. This avenue is usually pursued only after other options have been exhausted, often when teeth are missing or show reduced durability, or in the presence of conditions that cannot be treated conservatively. Enhance your expertise with this comprehensive text that presents the key steps to success at every stage of therapy: planning, execution, manufacturing, and finalization. Discover the importance of meticulous treatment planning to meet patients’ short- and long-term requirements; learn key principles and techniques for effective and minimally invasive tooth preparation; avoid mistakes caused by performing procedures without proper guidance; embrace the latest techniques and technologies for creating high-quality prosthetic restorations; explore the intricacies of cementation for optimal adhesion and retention; and learn how to strategize to maintain restoration success and oral health. Whether you are an experienced clinician or a dental professional seeking to expand your practice, the protocol-driven approach advocated in this text will equip you to achieve consistent and exceptional results with fixed prosthodontic therapy.
Esthetics in Function: Integrating the Occlusal Principles into Smile Design
Regular price $400.00 Save $-400.00Practical Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment Planning, 2nd Edition
Regular price $197.00 Save $-197.00Clinical Endodontics
Regular price $222.00 Save $-222.00Vital Pulp Treatment
Regular price $275.00 Save $-275.00by Drs Henry F. Duncan and Ikhlas A. El-Karim
ISBN: 9781119930389 • 1st edition • Hardcover • 240 pages
“Vital Pulp Treatment” offers a detailed overview of existing and developing vital pulp therapies, discussing the science of each therapy and the clinical applications.
With a focus on clinical practice, this book begins with the diagnosis and causes of pulpitis before discussing the application of vital pulp treatment after trauma, caries or dental procedures. Later chapters cover a variety of extent treatment modalities including caries removal, pulpotomy, direct or indirect pulp capping, and regenerative endodontic therapies.
This comprehensive reference also includes:
• Clinical photographs to support and highlight key parts of the text
• Detailed discussions of topics including pulp diagnostics, deep caries, and pulp exposure management, as well as controversial and clinically relevant discussions
• Dedicated treatments of each therapeutic modality
• Outcome measures and follow-up guidelines.
Rooted in evidence-based dentistry and robust scientific research, “Vital Pulp Treatment” is ideal for dentists, endodontists, restorative dentists, and dental students looking for information on this critical component of modern minimally-invasive dentistry.
Diagnostic Imaging: Oral and Maxillofacial 3rd edition
Regular price $546.00 Save $-546.00Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
Regular price $277.00 Save $-277.00Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
by Drs Brad W. Neville, Douglas D. Damm, Carl M. Allen and Angela C. Chi
ISBN: 9780323789813 • 5th edition • Hardcover • 992 pages
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, 5th edition, guides you through the diseases that affect the oral and maxillofacial region. More than 1,500 radiographs and full-colour photos documant lesions and conditions. Updates include advances in oral squamous cell carcinoma treatment, HPV, and molecular pathology. Well-known oral pathology educators Brad Neville, Douglas Damm, Carl Allen, and Angela Chi bring the reader up to date on the latest concepts of pathogenesis and disease management.
• Comprehensive overview includes a detailed description of each lesion or pathologic condition and the pathologic process that it represents, followed by a discussion of its clinical and/or radiographic presentation, histopathologic features, indlucing treatment and prognosis.
• Coverage of the latest concepts of pathogenesis and disease management of oral and maxillofacial structures, accurate diagnosis, and how to institute treatment.
• Organisation by body system or disease process.
• Comprehensive appendix on differential diagnosis organises diseases according to prominent or identifiable features, assisting differential diagnoses.
• An ebook is included with print purchase. The ebook allows access to all text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. This includes differential diagnosis and practice questions.
• Updated content on breakthroughs in oral squamous cell carcinoma treatment, HPV, and molecular pathology addresses some of today’s leading topics in oral pathology research.
Clinical Applications of Digital Dental Technology
Regular price $257.00 Save $-257.00by Drs Radi Masri and Carl F. Driscoll
ISBN:9781119800583 • Hardcover • 400 pages • 2nd edition
Clinical Applications of Digital Dental Technology discusses a wide range of digital technologies, including indications, contraindications, advantages, limitations and applications. This important text shows how to use digital dentistry in daily practice across all specialties.
Discussed in detail are digital imaging, digital impressions, digital prosthodontics, digital implant planning and placement, and digital applications in endodontics, orthodontics and oral surgery. Each chapter is written by experts and covers applications for prosthodontics, implant dentistry, oral surgery, endodontics, orthodontics, and other specialty areas.
Clinical Applications of Digital Dental Technology includes information on:
• Software, scanning, and manufacturing capabilities that have led to a major paradigm shift in all aspects of dentistry
• Digital radiography, virtual planning, computer-aided design and manufacturing, digital impressions, digitally fabricated dentures, and the “virtual patient”
• Available technologies, plus a critical evaluation of each across all specialties
• Developing technologies with special attention to those expected to be on the market in the near future.
This is an essential resource for general dentists, specialists, and students who need to understand digital dentistry and incorporate it into their practices. The text is useful for laboratory technicians interested in recent digital advances.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Dentistry
Regular price $169.00 Save $-169.00Newman and Carranza's Clinical Periodontology and Implantology 14th Edition
Regular price $281.00 Save $-281.00Ovaries & Fallopian Tubes Model with Stages of Fertilization
Regular price $358.00 Save $-358.00Deluxe Pregnancy Pelvis Model - 3 Part
Regular price $1,200.00 Save $-1,200.00This anatomy model is a representation of a median section through the female pelvis at 40 weeks pregnant with a removable fetus. Study the normal position of child before birth with this model plus the human reproductive and urinary systems. A uterus with embryo in 3rd month of pregnancy is mounted on base for added detail. The realistic and high quality female pelvis includes the female genital organs and other important anatomical details. This pregnancy female pelvis is a great addition to any anatomy classroom or doctor's office to educate about the stages of pregnancy.
Every original 3B Scientific anatomy model now includes these additional FREE features:
• Free access to the anatomy course 3B Smart Anatomy, hosted inside the award-winning Complete Anatomy app by 3D4Medical
• The 3B Smart Anatomy course includes 23 digital anatomy lectures, 117 different virtual anatomy models and 39 anatomy quizzes to test your knowledge
• Bonus: FREE warranty upgrade from 3 to 5 years with every product registration
size: 15”x10”x15-3/4”
Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics
Regular price $272.00 Save $-272.00Integrated Esthetics in Periodontics and Implantology
Regular price $400.00 Save $-400.005-stage Endodontic treatment model
Regular price $135.00 Save $-135.00