Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry, Second Edition
Regular price $880.00 Sale price $770.00 Save $110.00ISBN 9780867155723 • 2 Volumes • 888 pages • 2,500 illustrations.
Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry takes the science of esthetic dental reconstruction to a new level both clinically and academically. What makes this book so unique is the underlying principle that Pascal Magne lives by: respect the natural structure, and use that nature as your guide in restoration.The book discusses the application of the biomimetic principle in the form of bonded restorations using composite resins and ceramics. The broad spectrum of indications of bonded restorations is described, followed by detailed instruction on the treatment planning and diagnostic approach, which is the first step for every case.
The treatment is described step by step, including tooth preparation and impression, laboratory and CAD/CAM procedures related to the fabrication of composite resin and ceramic workpieces, and their final insertion through adhesive luting procedures.
Volume 1 covers the fundamentals and basic procedures, and Volume 2 focuses on advanced clinical techniques, maintenance, and repair of bonded restorations. QR codes throughout link to demonstrations of the techniques and videos highlighting the artistry of biomimetics.
Written by a true master and true artist, this book will undoubtedly inspire excellence in anyone who picks it up.