Infection Prevention and Control in the Dental Practice – dental information for patients
This ADA patient education pamphlet provides information on practices in the dental surgery that help prevent the spread of infectious diseases. The principles of infection and control (IPC) are discussed in detail, including:
- Standard precautions and transmission-based precautions
- Single-use instruments
- Reusable instruments and steam sterilisers
Other topics include: barrier methods, manual techniques and advice to patients on delaying dental treatment under certain conditions. IPC is also described in relation to the prevention of Covid-19 and other infections, such as viral influenza and chicken pox.
Mi-tec publishes 31 Australian Dental Association patient information brochures. The dental information is written in plain English to assist the patients’ understanding of health information and to help patients make informed decisions. The ADA patient information brochures are printed in five-colour on high-quality A4 sheets.