Labour and Its Management

Labour and Its Management

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Labour and its Management – patient information to assist informed consent

This patient education pamphlet provides treatment information on the management of labour. The topics discussed include: 

  • The different stages of labour 
  • Routine checks during labour 
  • Pain relief during labour, such as nitrous oxide and epidural anaesthesia 
  • The possibility of needing an instrument-assisted delivery (IAD)
  • Caesarean section, including reasons for elective and non-urgent caesarean section, and emergency caesarean 

This leaflet can be a useful tool for pregnant women as it covers many aspects of labour, including the possible complications of labour and childbirth.

Labour and its management is also discussed for women who have had a previous caesarean section, providing information regarding TOLAC (trial of labour after caesarean section) and VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean section). The patient education pamphlet “Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section” may be helpful.

The process of labour is described in plain English to assist the patients’ understanding of health information and to help patients make informed decisions. The Obstetrics and Gynaecology patient information leaflets are printed in five-colour on high-quality A4 sheets.